Coronvirus information and updates – latest
We are now back to normal operation with a slight change to the return timing for our boats to cater for the cleaning requirements generated by the Coivd 19 situation.
In order to protect customers and ourselves from Covid 19, we will be altering our handover times slightly to allow us a greater time to thoroughly cleanse the boat after each hire, before welcoming you aboard.
Consequently, where we would ordinarily ask for the boat to returned on the morning of your last day at 0900, we will instead be requesting that the boat is returned the evening of your last full day aboard – between 1700-1800. This may end up being earlier if these measures are still in place as Autumn approaches and the days shorten.
We are aware that the governments guidelines only require a deep clean and disinfection of the boat if a person onboard has shown symptoms of coronavirus, but as many people are asymptomatic and in view of the fact that the advice we are reading daily is so widely differing, we will endeavour to make sure that the boats are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected at each turnaround until we are advised otherwise.
During the boat handover itself, normally at 1400 on your day of departure, we will adopt a procedure which allows social distancing for the protection of everyone. To this end, we will send out a short instruction video to help familiarise you with your boat. This should speed up the handover process and also minimise the chances of breaching the social distancing requirements.